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Stephen Prince

Chief Executive Officer,
TFG Asset Management

Stephen Prince is Chief Executive Officer of TFG Asset Management, Tetragon’s diversified alternative asset management business, joining in 2015. During his tenure, Assets Under Management have grown from $17 billion to $40 billion.(9) In addition to his role as Chief Executive Officer of TFG Asset Management, Stephen is a member of Tetragon’s investment manager’s Investment and Risk Committee, alongside co-founders Reade Griffith and Paddy Dear.

Stephen was previously the Deputy Chief Investment Officer and Chair of the Investment Committee of Silver Creek Capital Management, an $8 billion alternative investment firm.

Prior to joining Silver Creek in 2007, Stephen helped found and was on the investment team of two long/short equity hedge funds. Stephen began his career at Tiger Management LLC.

Alongside his roles at Tetragon, Stephen is Chair of the Investment Committee at Heinz Endowments.

Stephen has an A.B. degree from Princeton University, majoring in English, and an M.B.A. degree from Harvard Business School. He is based in New York with his wife, Hailey, and their three children. At Princeton University, Stephen and Hailey have endowed a Service Focused Internship and Program Fund that supports students with stipends and grants to pursue internships and academic experiences in organizations that address problems related to healthcare.  Stephen also works in a volunteer capacity to support Afghan refugees resettling in the United States post the Allied-withdrawal.

Outside of the office Stephen is a keen amateur magician.
